Before sewing items to donate to the hospital (this or others) PLEASE contact them first & ask what they need… you may need to bring this in to show them before they can give you an answer. Some hospitals are very strict about what they can take. If you would like to help but don’t have a local hospital in need Gracie’s Gowns always has families in need! You can send them there & they will distribute them to NICU’s & families who would love them.
If you have, any questions feel free to send me a quick email or leave a comment Happy Sewing! Kymy Everything Your Mama Made & More!
***NOTE: Pattern piece C is flipped backwards on this file, we are working on updating it ASAP. So either cut 2 mirror image for piece B or flip pattern piece C over before tracing/cutting***
- Micro Preemie 1-3lbs & up to 15″
- Tiny Preemie 3-5lbs & up to 17.5″
- NB Preemie 5-8lbs & up to 20″
- Newborn 8-11lbs & up to 22.5″
- 1/8 yard or more soft cotton fabric PREWASHED
- Sewing Machine
- Thread
- Pins
- Scissors
- Tracing tool
- Printer
- Letter Sized Paper
- TapeThis is one of the few patterns I ask you NOT TO SELL. I do not want to sell this pattern because I did not create it so people could make them to sell, or I could profit off of it, but instead to encourage people to help others out. For that reason this pattern is FREE FOR PERSONAL & CHARITY USE ONLY.*Free EYMM downloads do require you create a free account to log-in and download the files for file security. This also allows us to send out any updates that are made. Sorry for the inconvenience.*
Kirsty (verified owner) –
When my little boy was born he weighed in at a big 6lb – weighty for a preemie but not great for clothes sizes – newborn drowned him as they went up to 6lb, but preemie stopped at 5lb and were too small
We are trying again and I plan on making a few of these in different sizes just in case as I will have a baby no more than 36 weeks due to my own health conditions – I suffer from Obstetric cholestasis so it isn’t safe for me to go over 36 weeks, so I am also guaranteed to have a smaller baby again if we are lucky enough to conceive. I think I will make a few in each size as soon as I find out we are expecting and any that are too small will be sent to our NICU who worked so well with my little man to stabilise him and get him breathing when he was born x
Debi Rojecki (verified owner) –
I have volunteered to make micro and preemie shirts for our local hospital. I would greatly appreciate the use of your pattern
God Bless
kymy (verified owner) –
Of course! Just go to the shop & ‘purchase’ it. Since it is free it will not ask for payment information. Then check your email for the invoice with the download link
Christy (verified owner) –
I am excited to make this for a friend who just gave birth to a micro-preemie. I do have a question. I just printed out and assembled the patterns. I am not seeing the + signs that are supposed to indicate where to affix the Velcro. Am I just missing it or is it another shape?
kymy (verified owner) –
Sorry when it was updated to accommodate more sizes it was changed. There is a guide on the pattern sheet that tells you which symbol is for each size.
Dawn Lafferty –
I am the owner of Angels Above Baby Gowns, Garden City MI. I would love to have a copy of the baby smock pattern? How do I get it.
kymy (verified owner) –
Just click on the link or ‘shop’ and then ‘free’ from the drop down at the top of this page. Add the smock to your cart ($0) and check out (no payment required but you will need to created a free account). When complete you can either download it from your ‘my account’ OR you can click on the link in the email you receive.
Melisa (verified owner) –
Thank you! I’m going to try to make some of these next weekend.
Lilly (verified owner) –
Thank you for making a pattern for these special babies. I’m new to sewing I’m sure this is silly but would flannel work or what other type of cotton would your recommend to keep these wee ones comfy? Thank you again
kymy (verified owner) –
Flannel & cotton interlock knit are both GREAT options.
Natalie (verified owner) –
I think this is so awesome of you and donating your skill. As the mother of a super micro premie (1lb9oz) t was hard to see all those wires and tape everyday. As my son grew they tried to fit clothes for him but options were slim. I wish I knew about this three years ago since this would have been therapeutic to create and see on him. Fortunately, my little warrior made it through with minor complications that seem to fade everyday. He’s now 30lbs and 3ft tall. I love that he has an aunt like you. Even though he’s big I’m still going to make these to donate!!! Now I can do more than just read to these little fighters. So excited about this new project.
Melinda –
Thank you for offering this free pattern. I have a simple shirt pattern for preemies I received from a lady on eBay a few years back but I have not seen any patterns like this. I am going to check local hospitals to see if they are in need of these garments and if they are start working on these soon.
Barbara D –
I saw your page and am thrilled I may be able to make something for my new grandson who was just born at 1.13 ounces. I was also wondering if this pattern includes a hat as well. I will be asking one of my nieces to go to your sight because my printer isn’t working right now and of course I’m in a hurry to get started. Thank you so much for helping these young couples having to cope with the worries they have on a daily basis.
kymy (verified owner) –
Currently no, there is no hat, but I am working on one.
Bonnie (verified owner) –
Thank you! My granddaughter, who was just 7 pounds at birth, was re-admitted to the hospital on day 8 and had emergency surgery for intestinal malrotation. She’ll be in the NICU for at least 3 weeks, and she’s down to 6 pounds. My daughter is beyond upset (she had her to the doctor 3 times in less than a week for ongoing yellow vomiting and finally took her to the ER and demanded that they do further testing), and I think these little gowns will cheer her up and give her some small comfort, bringing a small bit of normalcy to a really terrible situation. Fortunately, things are going well for my granddaughter post-operatively, and we can only hope and pray that a good recovery continues. It’s wonderful of you to so generously share this pattern.
Rhonda (verified owner) –
Thank you for sharing….I have been searching for a pattern like this, as I wanted to make these for a friend who just had twin mirco preemies.
Jackie –
Looking forward to making this pattern. I sewed up some preemie clothes for a friends preemie twin grandsons a couple of years ago. I plan to make preemie clothes for the local hospital in the near future.
Liz –
I am in Australia , and I do sewing for Newborn to young children , I always have material leftover , so I will be doing up some of these in different sizes I am quite sure they will be a great gift for all the precious little preemies that are born …thanks again for a great pattern , it will take pride and place with all my special ones ….thanks again .
Colleen (verified owner) –
Thank you so much for the free pattern. I’ve been searching for something like this to make and take up to the local NICU hospital. I started making quilt blocks as a quilt for preemies. Can’t wait to print out pattern and start making them. My daughter was a preemie 4#11oz and is 36 yrs old.
Laural Connolly –
This is a wonderful pattern – it cuts out easily, goes together well, and meets a real need in a very personal way.
I did have a few questions, though.
The instructions for the Velcro tabs indicate the rough side of the Velcro should be on the back section of the smock. It seems to me that the soft side should be on the back, and the rough side on the front (which would never touch the baby). Also, pulling the soft side off of the rough is slightly easier. Is there a reason for the stated placements?
I also wondered about the size of the Velcro tabs – I found that anything less than 1/2″ square does not hold together well.
kymy (verified owner) –
Honestly this pattern is so old I don’t remember exactly what it says, lol. The reason why the soft pieces go on the body and not the tabs is because if it is a revesible version you are much more likely to risk the rough part touching their skin on the inside if the other inside slides a bit then on the tabs since the velcro is how far in from the edge, does that help? I am planning on updating it soon, yes 1/2″ dots or 1/2″ squares, some ladies use 1/2″ x 3/4″ pieces.
Jessica (verified owner) –
I am super excited about this pattern. I downloaded it, printed it, taped it together and realize that piece b and piece c both face the same way and both say front right. I realize that it can obviously be flipped to go either way, but it may cause confusion for somebody else.. I just wanted you to be aware.
kymy (verified owner) –
this was just recently brought to my attention, I think 90% of those who have downloaded it have enough experience they just cut 2 mirror image using the piece. When I first designed it I had volunteers cutting it this both pieces. When I added the bigger size range I must have forgotten to mirror it and it was just brought to my attention. I am working on updating it soon!
Rhonda Metcalf (verified owner) –
My daughter works in LDR and she came home very upset. A mom delivered a 20 week baby that didn’t make it and they didn’t have anything to dress the baby in for the grieving parents!!!! That is so heartbreaking to me enough that I have search for preemie outfit pattern and found this one!! I’ll be making several to donate to her unit, so hopefully it’ll help these parents a little.
Ashlee L. –
Thank you for this pattern! I will be making some to donate to the NICU in my city.
I was wondering if the pattern would work for an infant in the CVICU? (Our neighbor’s daughter was born in April with sever heart problems – she’s 1a status on transplant list – and hasn’t left the hospital since. Do you think I could tweak the pattern to make it bigger?) Thanks!
Rachel P. –
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I have made about a dozen so far, in assorted sizes. I am a Donor of these at the hospital where our newest granddaughter was born. I have made both cotton and flannel, and all are reversible with a coordinating print. Then, instead of simply topstitching the edge of the entire smock, I use a decorative stitch. They are so cute, and I am absolutely in love with making these. I only wish I had more time. I make other charity items as well, like Pillowcases for Conkerr Cancer, Hats for the Homeless, and am also working on knitted blankets for the homeless. Again, thank you for your time and your dedication.
Mary (verified owner) –
Thank you for your generosity of the free pattern. I hope to have some Girl Scouts cut out the pattern and mothers sew the little outfits.
Carol McPoil (verified owner) –
I looked for ever to find a nicu pattern, I found this one by chance. The pattern is easy to understand and is quick to make I whipped 3 little smocks for a friends 1lb. 8oz. wee baby girl. I took the some liberties and dolled them up a little with some simple embroidery. I couldn’t help myself. I also made a matching pixie caps. Thanks for offering such a nice pattern free of charge I plan to start making making smocks for the area nicu units. 5 stars for sure. Thanks again Carol Mcpoil
L.C. –
This pattern was a godsend when my friend had a 17 oz baby. She still in a humidity controlled environment, so they haven’t been tested yet. I made the two on the sides using two layers and the middle one I zigzag stitched one layer around the edges since I don’t have a serger. I wanted to make them similar to a onesie or little gown, so I extended the 1-3lb pattern down to the 3-5 lb pattern line and scalloped the bottom in hopes that it would fit around her legs.
I was wondering if there’s a pattern for the onesie-style wrap that created. Without having a tested pattern, I’m always wondering if what I’m making will likely work.
Thank you so much for putting this pattern out there!
Debby (verified owner) –
My great nephew was just born last night, so out comes my machine!! Love that the pattern is in several sizes, as I can make them as he gradually chunks up. Right now he is wopping 2lbs 7oz. Thanks for having this available it is so sweet and I want to go through my box of material and make some for our local hospital!!
Jeanmarie –
I’d like to try making a simple baptismal gown but know nothing about sizing or making it nicu friendly. Any patterns or ideas? Thanks!
Wendy (verified owner) –
Very east to put together and so nice my little micro niece! Thank you
robin grunzweig (verified owner) –
Thank you so much for this! I am getting back into sewing, late in life
but with plenty of good sewing years ahead!! (I hope!).. I’ve been looking for patterns to sew that I can donate, and this is perfect!
jennifer –
Thank you for sharing this pattern. A good friend delivered her baby at 24 weeks. There’s not much I can do for the family until I heard that on week 32 Cassidy weighed enough to wear clothing. Her mom was excited and shared with me the expense and issues with micro preemie clothing. I found you site and made up a few smocks in the 3-5 pound size. The nurses loved the fabric choices but although the length was perfect, they were to tight around the middle (gassy tummy). I re cut the pattern , like any other Pattern and they are perfect. I donated the other little smocks and asked that the nurses give them to babies that can use them. 12″ of fabric will get you 2 smocks. I have not cut the 3rd one yet. Shop your remnant bin 5 at your local fabric store or go to ebay. I found great remnants at both.
Patti60622 (verified owner) –
I would like to try this and donate to my local hospital – thank you for the free pattern. That’s so wonderful of you.
April (verified owner) –
Wonderful pattern that will help so many as well as be a nice smock for baby at home also
Pat Barton (verified owner) –
I love this. I have looking for simple things like these to make to send on mission trips to poorer countries that need them.
Thank you for your kindness in sharing. God Bless.
Michelle –
Great pattern, once is worked out the one or two later options! I made mine from soft European knit. Super soft! Thanks so much.
Janie (verified owner) –
This is a great pattern and very simple to make and does not take much fabric. The outfits are so cute and very useable. Hopefully I will get to make more of them to donate to our NICU. It is so great that you put the time and energy into this pattern and then to offer it free. Thanks very much.
Chelsey (verified owner) –
I made two sets for a friend who had twins at 29 weeks. I did the size for 3-5lb and they turned out perfectly! My friend and her husband both work in the medical field and have never seen anything like them. Neither have the nurses. The girls are still too small to wear them, but they are keeping them at the hospital for when their respiratory systems are a little stronger for them to wear. The only thing I had difficulty with was that the pattern for A and B are the same so I had to recut one of them with the fabric the opposite way so they weren’t the exact same. I used both cotton and flannel and they are just too cute! Thank you for helping me find a way to help out my friends.
Suzanne Smith –
Have been thinking to do this. Now I can!! thanks for pattern.
Sangeeta chhabra (verified owner) –
Hi. I am from India and have been sewing for charities thru my local Rotary Club of which I am a member. Today I chanced to see your preemie smock. I would like to make these, cause in our country most of the full term babies are also born weak as they are from poor families and the mothers are undernourished.
How can I get your pattern. Your help will be highly appreciated.
God bless.
kymy (verified owner) –
Click ‘Add to Cart’ and then check out like you are buying it. You will have to create a free account with your address but you will not be asked for any credit card information since it is free.
I have tons of colorful and baby fabric, it is 100% cotton quilt grade. Will this be acceptable using a softer material as the lining. I am so so excited to start this project. I will be sharing this with my church as we do projects for countries in need and send all kinds of items to Africa et al , like blankets, little hats for newborns bandages other items. I am unable to remember all the items at this time as I have gotten out of the hospital.
kymy (verified owner) –
Yes if making the 2 layer turned and top stitched version you can use 100% quilting cotton on the outside & something soft such as 100% cotton flannel on the inside. Just make sure to pre-wash your fabrics as they will likely shrink differently, even with the same fabric content.
Marion (verified owner) –
Bless you for giving us this pattern..
Jenni Meyer –
I love this! I’ve had several friends with premies and this is such a wonderful way to bless people going thru a difficult time. My MOPs group (mother’s of preschoolers) would like to make these to donate to our local hospital. How can I get more information and the pattern to share with they mom’s who would like to be involved? God bless you for creating this special pattern for all the littles and their families! TIA!
kymy (verified owner) –
We love MOPS!!! I would recommend just emailing them the link to the listing where they can ‘purchase’ the file (totally free, but that’s how you get it) and then they can download it and print it off. You could also download it yourself and make one up and take it to show them. We did it with our twins club and the non sewer’s ironed traced, cut and turned & the ladies with the machine skills sewed through them. It was a great project. You can also email me via the ‘Contact Us‘ page
Brandi (verified owner) –
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into this pattern! As a mother of a preemie born at 24 weeks who sadly passed a few weeks later, I’ve held on to all her tiny clothes and have used them as patterns to duplicate for friends who have found themselves in similar situations. A dear friend is a NICU mama now and was wanting something very similar to this and I couldn’t be more happy I found your wonderful pattern on my quest to help her.
Patsy Burton (verified owner) –
This is an amazing pattern. I have made the smallest one for a friend’s baby which was born at 25 weeks. Thank you so much for sharing.
Jean (verified owner) –
Thank you so much for creating and offering this wonderful pattern. Hope to make several to donate to my local hospital.
Geraldine (verified owner) –
Un grand merci pour votre travail ! Nous allons en fabriquer et les faire tester dans notre service néonatalité très bientôt.
Thanks a lot for your job !
Fran (verified owner) –
Thank you for the pattern. It is so easy to put together! The preemies look so loved in the wraps!.
Pam (verified owner) –
This pattern is so cute!! and easy to follow. Now I just need a newborn to wear all of the ones I have made!
Patricia Zubrod –
I love my pattern and have started to make for hospital in Des Moines. Thank for giving me this pattern and I will surely watch for more that I can use.
Barbara (verified owner) –
I was thrilled with the pattern to make NICU shirts in several sizes for preemies. I am in the process of making the micro preemie shirt and plan to make the larger sizes as well. My son and his wife are expecting twin boys and their doctor is working hard to get the babies to a safe size but we are trying to get prepared for them to come very early. Thank you for the free pattern. We are looking forward to seeing both precious babies dressed in the shirts!
Shirley Milbocker (verified owner) –
We are a small church in the country and are now finally organized with a room to keep our machine etc. in. I have made a few as samples to show the other ladies-very easy to understand and make. We are making them to donate to the hospital for preemies. Thank you very much for your pattern and generosity to share them.God Bless!
susan boone (verified owner) –
Thanks so much for sharing this pattern. I belong to a sewing ministry at church and we decided to make these little shirts for the NICU at the hospital. They are simply adorable and much needed by these tiny babies. Thanks again.
Donna (verified owner) –
Thanks much for sharing this pattern. My daughter delivered at 27 weeks . this pattern was easy to sew and turned out so cute.
Marsha (verified owner) –
Was looking for the form that has the address of where to send these, Can you help?
kymy (verified owner) –
I am so sorry I am just seeing this! WordPress tagged the comment as spam :'( Contact for information on where to send them.