Freestyle Harems Blog Tour: Connected by a Thread

Larissa from Connected by a Thread whipped up FOUR pairs of newborn Freestyle Harem Pants for her nephew, who is due in a few months. The pictures of her son supervising his doll model them are adorable! Click the picture below … Read More

Freestyle Harems Blog Tour: Blessed x Five

Lore from Blessed x Five sewed up a cute pair of Freestyle Harem Pants for her daughter. Apparently, they’re comfortable enough to do important things like chase chickens! Click the picture below to see more in-action pictures! Make sure to … Read More

Freestyle Harems Blog Tour: Analog Bytes

Freestyle Harem Capris seem to be a popular choice this week! Kelly from Analog Bytes made an adorable pair for her daughter to wear to camp this summer. Click the picture below to see them in action! Make sure to check out … Read More

Freestyle Harems Blog Tour: Sew Sophie Lynn

Tami from Sew Sophie Lynn sewed up a gorgeous tween sized pair of Freestyle Harem Capris for today’s stop on the tour. Her daughter approves and they look fabulous! Click the picture below to see more great pictures! Make sure … Read More

Freestyle Harem Blog Tour: Sew Far North

Today, Patricia from Sew Far North is showing off her beautiful navy print pair of Freestyle Harem Pants. She rocked them so hard that now her daughter-in-law wants a pair! Click the picture below to go check out her post! Make sure … Read More

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