16+ Craft projects To Do with kids

Last year I was blessed to join a new chapter of MOPS in our area.  The mom time, mentor moms, craft time and brunch with a short break from the little ones has been amazing and I can’t imagine not having it!  So at the end of last year I volunteered to help as one of the crafts coordinators (big surprise I know, lol).  We asked the moms what craft projects they liked from last year and what they would like to see more of this year.  While crafting is second nature to some of us it can be intimidating for those who it’s not.  So a few weeks ago instead of doing a mom/household craft we did had a little craft n show of craft and art projects to do with preschoolers!

It was just a cool list full of fun projects that I thought I would share it with my readers as well.  So below you will find a list including links to tutorials, pictures and supplies for 16+ great craft and art projects to do with your kids!

16+ Craft projects To Do with kids


Great General Craft Project Sites & Ideas



DIRECTIONS: http://artfulparent.com/2011/12/model-magic-crayola-vs-homemade.html

SUPPLIES: 2 cups baking soda, 1 cup cornstarch, 1 1/2 cups cold water, and food coloring.

Homemade Model Magic Air Dry Clay

No-Cook Playdough

DIRECTIONS: http://artfulparent.com/2012/02/no-cook-versus-cooked-homemade-playdough-recipe.html

SUPPLIES: 2 cups Flour, 1 cup Salt, 2 Tablespoons Cream of Tartar, 2 Tablespoons Oil, 2 Cups Boiling Water, Liquid Watercolors, Food Coloring or Kool-aid

The Best No Cook Playdough Recipe

Bath Tub Paints

DIRECTIONS: http://www.havingfunathome.com/2008/11/shaving-cream-bathtub-paint.html

SUPPLIES: Muffin Tin, Shaving Cream, Brush, Food Coloring, and Bathtub Wall


Muffin Tin/Ice Cube Tray Crayons

DIRECTIONS: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2012/02/how-to-make-muffin-tin-crayons-and-a-printable/

SUPPLIES: Old Crayons, Silicone Ice Cube Mold, Muffin Tin & Cupcake Liners and Oven

Homemade Finger Paints

DIRECTIONS: http://easiepeasie.blogspot.com/2010/07/homemade-finger-paints.html

SUPPLIES: 3 Tablespoons Sugar, ½ Teaspoon Salt, ½ Cup Corn Starch, 2 Cups Water, Food Coloring, Jars for storage.


Recycled Paper Beads

DIRECTIONS: http://www.ramblingsfromutopia.com/2012/06/handmade-recycled-paper-beads.html

SUPPLIES: Old Magazines or Newspaper, Straws, Old Brush (for glue) & Elmers Washable Glue

Nature Prints (works with leaves, apples & more)

DIRECTIONS: http://kleas.typepad.com/kleas/2010/10/leaf-printing.html

SUPPLIES: Leaf, Flower, Apple Half or Other.  Paints, Brush or Sponge & Paper.


Rock Creatures (perfect for the Garden)

DIRECTIONS: http://www.cocoa-bean.co.uk/users/blog/half-term-entertainment/

SUPPLIES: Rocks, Acrylic Paints, Paint Brushes, Googly Eyes, Glue & Sharpies.

Scrap Yarn Art

DIRECTIONS: http://almostunschoolers.blogspot.com/2011/07/scrap-yarn-art-for-children.html

SUPPLIES: Cardboard Scraps, Yarn Scraps, Elmers Washable Glue, Pencil & Scissors.

Paper Punch Garland

DIRECTIONS: http://www.ohcrafts.net/decoration-paper-punch-heart-garland.php

SUPPLIES: Paint Cards or Scrap Paper, Yarn or Twin, Shaped Paper Punch & Yarn Needle


Water Bottle Bubble Fun

DIRECTIONS: http://www.projectsforpreschoolers.com/water-bottle-bubble-fun/

SUPPLIES: Water bottle, Scissors, Bubbles. OPTIONAL: Sock to put over the large end.

water bottle bubble blowing

Water Bottle Bowling

DIRECTIONS: http://www.ucreatewithkids.com/2011/02/creative-guest-meet-dubiens.html

SUPPLIES: Water bottles with lids, acrylic paints & a ball.

Bottle Bowling Tutorial

Pipe Cleaner Snowflakes

DIRECTIONS: http://mominmadison.blogspot.com/2008/12/snowflakes.html

SUPPLIES: 3 Tablespoons Borax, 2 Cups of Water, Pipe Cleaners, Pencil, String/Yarn, Wide Mouth Jar


ArtWork Wrapping Paper

DIRECTIONS: http://www.samplesalemom.blogspot.com/2013/01/custom-wrapping-paper-featuring-your_19.html

SUPPLIES: Childs Artwork on White, Scanner, Computer, Photo Program (Gimp is free) & Printer


Jellyfish in a bottle

DIRECTIONS: http://bhoomplay.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/diy_jellyfish_eng/

SUPPLIES: Water Bottle, String, Plastic Bag, OPTIONAL: Food Coloring

Sock Puppets

DIRECTIONS: http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2011/11/easy-monster-sock-puppet-tutorial.html http://www.redtedart.com/2014/01/23/no-sew-horse-puppet/

SUPPLIES: Old Socks, Buttons, Puff Balls, Yarn, Felt, Googly Eyes, Cardboard, Sharpies, Thread, Hot Glue or Craft Glue.

Cute Sock Puppet 271x300 DIY: How to Make a Sock Puppet

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