UPDATE 10/6/11
Today I recieved an email from a Babyville Boutique rep asking that I share a tid bit of information with my readers:
The Babyville FB page says they stand 100% behind their products. They are working hard to track down the faulty products as not all locations are having problems. Anyone who should experience any difficulties with any Babyvlle product should use the contact link on their FB page to notify them. Someone from Babyville with respond to assit them with any problems they are having.
I really love to sew… just about everything BUT diapers, but my sister loves to sew diapers so we tend to work out trades & in the end it means she has made the majority of Parker’s handmade diapers.
Recently (as in the last few days for most of it!) she had a chance to try out some of the new fabric and a pattern designed by Babyville Boutique (which is being produced by Prym-Dritz) that today announced it’s new line of quality diaper making fabric, patterns and accessories that will be available in store at places like JoAnn’s & Hobby Lobby in mid Sept. For more information & pictures you can check out their facebook page here… http://www.facebook.com/BabyvilleBoutique and Jean’s blog post here http://www.justcraftyme.com/2011/08/01/my-new-diaper-sewing-program-babyville-boutique/.
Both my sister & I were excited to hear about this since the first line with PUL JoAnn’s carried was not tested enough, was thick/stiff & delaminated after a pretty short amount of time which was disappointing. When my sister got BB’s PUL we compared it to the few other types of PUL on the market including the commercial PUL used on the Rumparooz & BumGenius diapers I have, and it appears to be the same quality or better then the commercial stuff! Not only that but they plan on selling kits with coordinating PUL’s as well as snaps, snap pliers, diaper quality hook & loop tape, cute tags, FOE (fold over elastic) and sew on or iron on appliques (you can’t iron them on to diapers but can to other items). Not only did everything seem to be of good quality but it is also to dang cute!!!! I can’t wait for this stuff to hit stores, many people I know avoid making diapers not because of the sewing, but because of the lack of quality supplies locally. Yes you can order online, but with the cost of shipping it makes it expensive at times to try new things.
Since half of what my sister received was boy fabric & she knew Parker would love more of his aunties fluff I went up and helped her trace, cut & design a bunch and then she has been working on sewing them up. We went up again the next day & Parker got to try out one of the covers with a pre-fold & the pocket diaper with FOE.
Because the launch of the fabric is for JoAnn’s & Hobby Lobby she wanted to use fabrics they would use so the inners on them are crushed panne. All the PUL is from the new line coming out in Sept. and they will have similar snaps & touch tape. The appliques are sewn on but have iron on stuff so they can be used on other projects including matching clothing. The pattern is a sized pattern, but it seems to have a great fit on my long chunky niece & my little peanut.
We are going up tonight to pick up some more as well as help her finish up some of the ones we already cut out & take more pictures ;). Here are the pics of Parker in what he has so far… the dino’s is a cover & the monkey’s is a pocket & both use the matching FOE that is going to be sold along side the PUL. This is just what she finished up this weekend… we cut out MUCH more then this, I think this might about 1/3 of the total diapers we cut out. Check back later in the week as she is taking pictures for a few tutorials including how to embellish cloth diapers with any pattern as well as an embellished wet bag.
She also made up a ton of others including girly ones for my niece who is 3 weeks older then Parker. Parker is 15.5lbs & his are smalls, Em is 18+lbs & in mediums.
Here are some pictures of the prints & solid PUL’s & pattern books coming out this fall. Like their facebook page for the most up to date information.

UPDATE 10/1/11:
I know that I didn’t get the tutorials posted as promised but my sister has been so busy sewing up diapers she hadn’t had time to make up the tutorials she had in mind yet! But she actually decided to start her own diaper sewing blog where she has posted one tutorial on how she does blind elastic on a turned & top stitched diaper.
The tutorials she was wanting to post were just a personal thing she wanted to do as a guest spot on my blog NOT for BVB & it was never claimed that they were for BVB.
Unfortunately I have had to remove the link to her personal photobucket account with all the extra pictures of her finished BVB diapers due to some new questions that have been brought up on a few online forums in regards to the book for sale in stores. I would post the rest of the pictures directly in this blog post but there are more then 60 additional photo’s.
I personally have had nothing to do with anything regarding BVB except being my sisters extra set of hands cutting stuff out & receiving the diapers she made for my son. I can say neither of us were in any way contributors to the book in question as it had already been done & getting ready for publishing before my sister received any of the supplies to begin testing for this launch, she simply tested the actual diaper pattern (not the whole book) with the BVB supplies & gave the company her feedback. She did not even see or know exactly what was in the book until she recently got a copy. If any of the claims being made are proven I will be happy to share the information here, because I think it would be important to share with my readers, but have no plans to post what if’s for the time being, I choose not to post that stuff on my blog (not just in regards to this case, but in general).
I am NOT a member of the BVB design team & I am the sole author of this blog, I was simply sharing something I got to check out with my sister. I have no personal knowledge of what is actually going on in regards to the pattern book & honestly rather get into it because there are so many what if’s. I was informed by members of a few forums that I don’t belong to (who know me through other ones) that a link to my blog had been shared & there was some confusion. Honestly my blog post wasn’t really about the pattern/book, but the actual supplies that until now were expensive to buy because of shipping costs which isn’t an issue with all the different diaper patterns out there (and believe me there are a LOT for sale and you can find a ton of free ones with a quick google search). I hope this clears up any questions that they might have had about this blog and any possible involvement in the book.
I will say the supplies used on our diapers (the first full production line, not a special one for testers) have been holding up well and I have been happy with them and it is better the the stuff I had from JoAnn’s before!
That being said I had been planning and adding an update to this post at the products did hit stores wide spread on Sept. 18th and there have been a few complaints from buyers though plenty have had no problems at all! There HAVE been some reports of delamination, from what I have heard BVB & Prym-Dritz on working on tracking down which batch was effected because it has not been a problem with all of it. I’m not ready to jump ship because I have only had a positive experience personally and no matter the quality of the fabric you buy you can get a bad line of production… a few years ago Rumparooz which is a name brand diaper know for it’s quality supplies had a run of PUL in many colors delaminate after they had already sold many of the diapers, it happens. Now if it continues to happen I will come back & update this post. I have not personally used any of the snaps or the plyers so I personally have no idea, but there have also been some reports of snaps cracking so beware of that possibility if you decide to purchase some. Honestly with the coupons that you can use you can get this SO much cheaper then online just to try it out before investing in more expensive supplies.
8 Responses
Jenica @ Pumpkin's Boutique
Oh my cuteness!! I haven’t sewn diapers as I’m nervous about doing something wrong, using the wrong fabric, etc and them leaking. But I use cloth diapers. But these fabrics and materials are VERY tempting and maybe I’ll try!!
What kind of cloth are you using right now? unless they are just fitteds the outside fabric is PUL, as long as it’s Poly PUL you shouldn’t have real issues. You can use all sorts of things for the inners, I prefer microfleece or micro chamois which is a higher end micro fleece… they wick moisture away from the skin well & they air dry fast (I use pockets). Organic Bamboo Velour is nice & works well but doesn’t dry quite as fast. For soakers I love my microfiber inserts from rumparooz, but I have been very happy with zorb & bamboo fleece, I just avoid flannel & hemp as the natural fibers hold odors (the bamboo doesn’t seem to do it as bad) If you like the diapers you are using it’s pretty easy to find the same fabrics! I highly recommend checking out the sewing section on http://diaperdivas.proboards.com/ & http://diaperswappers.com/ they have a TON of great info. I hope this helps you start in the right direction! When these do get to JoAnn’s & Hobby Lobby it will be nice to buy just a few cuts to try it out instead of investing in ordering many yards of fabric online!
I promise you they are really easy! I have been sewing my own for a year now and LOVE it. Need to upload pics of Emily and Kim will add them so you can see how well this pattern fits a chunk. Best advise is take is SLOW when you start. I love the diaper diva website my sister linked. These materials are slated to be in stores sometime in september. Next up getting some quality microfleece in the stores! Right now my favorite inner is the crushed panne I used in these but I do buy online when I want something softer. There are so many more variations with handmade than what you can buy in the store.
Ohhh, I’m so excited! To be able to walk into a store and get diaper making supplies! Thanks for telling us.
I just stumbled upon this website through an old tutorial for making babylegs and now found this post… I use Totsbots Bamboozles, would I also be able to make my own covers with these cute fabrics? I love the fabrics and would love to try and make my own cover!!!
Yes this PUL & FOE is perfect for covers!
I’m so excited about this!! I visited the store this week too and came home and made some cute goodies. I even snapped some pictures of the Babyville section at my Joann Fabrics: http://www.happygreenbabies.com/diapering/babyville-boutique-joann-fabrics/
Guess what, you can win a babyville package of fabric here: http://www.happygreenbabies.com/diapering/babyville-boutique-fabric-giveaway/