It’s a…

posted in: Babies & Kids | 3

Well we had our big ultrasound yesterday!  I have to say I have been lucky & none of my kids have been shy… but this little one takes the cake, with in the first 60 seconds we got our answer… BOY!  We are all really excited & spent the rest of the afternoon shopping :).   There is something to be said about mothers intuition, most people guessed girl but since about 6 weeks I had been having a pretty strong boy feeling! And the Best Baby Gender Test also appears to have been right and it was free with less then $10 shipping when I took a survey.

On a sewing note when I went on a huge shopping trip at JoAnn’s on 8/31 before the start of the stash game and a few days before our ultrasound I bought 5.5  yards of this super cute monster fabric thinking I could always use it to make something for Zander, but now I think I will be the prefect bedding for Parker :).  Plus I can make them matching PJ bottoms too!

3 Responses

  1. Lynda M O
    | Reply

    Wonderful news for you !~! Congratulations; matching pj bottoms will be adorable.

  2. DeniseS
    | Reply

    Congratulations! I agree that matching PJs would be adorable. I think everyone needs lots of PJs!

  3. Max California
    | Reply

    Two boys + two girls!

    Congratulations, can’t wait to see the litlte kids all together!

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