50,000 Hits Blog Give Away!

posted in: Everything Else | 33

Just over 8 months ago when I started this l blog I never thought I people would actually read it.  Little did I know!  I started it as a central place to post my creations to share with friends & family… in the last 8 months it has just taken off.  This summer the traffic went from about 3,000 hits a month to 12,000!!!  I am just in awe.

To celebrate this awesome mile stone I wanted to reward my blog readers with give away!  What am I giving away you ask?  The VERY FIRST copy of my new Ebook/Pattern for my Twirly Half Apron that I posted a sew and show of here.

After the winner has been announced I will be posting the Ebook in my Etsy store & it should be available with-in a few weeks at You Can Make This.

How to enter?  There are 2 ways to enter & each person may enter via each method one time (maximum of 2 entries)

The 1st way to enter is to leave a comment to this post about what you like about my blog or patterns or something you would love to see me do!  Make sure that you have your email included in the email box when filling out the comment form if you don’t have a blog or website that I can contact you at.  Your email will not be shared, but should NOT be put in the general text where everyone can read it.

The 2nd way to enter is to post about my blog on your blog!  It doesn’t have to be about the give away, it can be about any of the tutorials or articles on my blog.  But wordpress will show me the trackbacks & incoming links.

The entry period starts now 9/7 & ends 9/14 at 6PM PST.

33 Responses

  1. Geri
    | Reply

    Congratulations!! I am one of those that discovered your site this summer. Love to see so much interest in sewing. I’m a young grandmother, so one of the first I discovered were the pettiskirts on your darling girls. Since I have 3 granddaughters under 6, 2 nieces under 6, and 2 greatgranddaughters under 3, I absolutely LOVED this and will be making lots. Got some great tullle net at a garage sale for $1 for a whole bolt!!!

    Will be making the twirly apron for all my Christmas Cookie Bakers. 3-4 adults and 2-3 kids.

    Also, love the idea of the sewing stash challenge. I have a LOT of fabric and can do this!

    Would love to see something on how to sew for kids who you can’t measure. The last thing I made for my granddaughter was a dress which was a little short, and I haven’t been able to get her measurements yet. Maybe some kind of guide as to RTW sizes and pattern sizes?

    Great work…and THANKS!

  2. Jenna Z
    | Reply

    I love the projects and patterns but only adult patterns, I don’t have kids so kid stuff is wasted on me. 🙂

  3. leslilli
    | Reply

    came from cafemom to enter your contest. very cute apron by the way. i LOVE aprons.

  4. Rebecca
    | Reply

    HI! I am in the sewing mama group on cafemom. I absolutely love the newest apron you made. Very good work. I hope I win one of your pieces of art!

  5. Brenda
    | Reply

    Love seeing all your stuff on sewingmamas! Congrats on your first e-book – I’d love a copy! 🙂

  6. Tonya
    | Reply

    I am always astounded by what you are able to accomplish being a single mom with three young ones! I think it’s high time to see those girls of yours in a feliz!

    I’ve been watching them come up at SM’s SNS and like them more and more!

  7. amandasue
    | Reply

    I just want to say congrats and that the apron is so pretty (looks like a skirt almost!) and I’m jealous since I can’t sew (so you don’t need to enter me into the contest) 🙂

  8. caz
    | Reply

    I loved the apron and would love to win your first ebook. I always enjoy reading your blog 🙂

  9. Raych
    | Reply

    How pretty! I’ve been looking for a half-apron (so much less MATRONLY than full aprons) and this one is adorable. Hope I win!!

  10. Millicent Cagle
    | Reply

    Wow!!! I am totally impressed with your talent! I cant even sew a button on a pair of pants and you are a single mommy.. you are very impressive! Love the apron its too cute for words.. Go check out my blog I do cakes on the side and always wear aprons when I drop them off people love it so I would love to tell people where I got this wonderful apron from. Thanks for the chance to win it! 🙂 I do a cookie decorating party for my two sons and 1 nephew and 1 neice I would like to see your take on christmas aprons for kids.. I am sure you would do amazing things with them 🙂

  11. Cindi
    | Reply

    Hello, Your “Twirly Half Apron” is wonderful. I would love to win it. I would like to see you have more ready to wear items on your site. Congratulations on your 50,000th post. Quite a milestone!
    I wish you many more happy and healthy posts. Please enter me in your delightful drawings. Many thanks, Cindi

  12. rebecca
    | Reply

    I love the gymboree reduced price clothes story. I don’t like to pay ful price, and always have coupons. I am just like you. I- just posted there as well by mistake. Congratulations on you 50,000 hits.

  13. Roberta
    | Reply

    I love the free patterns and tutorials. My friend emailed me about you. I’ve just taken up sewing and quilting as hobbies.

  14. Charlotte
    | Reply

    I really like looking at your sewing projects! I am not all that great at sewing, but I would love to have one of these aprons.

  15. Rachel
    | Reply

    I love it here! I think you do a great job!

  16. Ilissa H.
    | Reply

    I really like your apron patterns because of the length and the flowiness (is that a word?) of them. I love that they are so feminine. Also, I love the tie at the top. I am a big fan of long wrap around ties. Thanks for the chance. This is lovely. I am in the market for a new apron so this would be perfect. 🙂

  17. Gina Stratos
    | Reply

    Congratulations on your achievements! I love the swing of the apron and the fabric is terrific.

  18. Hayley G.
    | Reply

    This is such a cute apron- I love your blog especially as a new sewer!

  19. judy brittle
    | Reply

    congratulations! The apron is really beautiful. Your site is nice and I was having fun checking out the eggs you made using Bento egg molds. I’ll have to check that out. Thank you!

  20. Mel
    | Reply

    I love the apron! I would lvoe to see you make a stroller sack…like a JJ Cole bundle me for toddlers!

    Handmade jewelry:

  21. shellyfish
    | Reply

    I’m a pretty regular lurker – and a relatively new seamstress, so like when you do tutes or give advice. I also like apron patterns & adult clothing patterns. Either way, keep up the great work – all those hits are not by accident!

  22. summermade
    | Reply

    I linked you on my blog!
    Love the apron!
    I think you are doing great on your blog and sewing.
    I’d love to see more dresses for the girls!

  23. SANDY
    | Reply

    love the patterns..you are so talented- I am learning and some look really good and some well some get added to the quilt pile

  24. Angi Herbison
    | Reply

    Hi Kymy, love the site, what you do with your time is absoutly amazing! I love the fabric on this apron. I have it on my list to make aprons as presents this year for CHristmas. I’ve never tried a half apron but it looks so stylish, I just might have to! I would love to see stuff to make for boys! Keep up the amazing work!!

  25. frannie
    | Reply

    I just found your blog tonight on a google search! I am looking for a tute on baby doll slings… so I would love to see that!

    But, I couldn’t resist the giveaway and bookmarked you…. this is assuredly going to be a new favorite place of mine!!

    I am a brand new sewer and I am in love with it! I’m sure I can find a lot of inspiration here!

    wonderful site!!

  26. Annemarie
    | Reply

    The apron is so cute! It makes me want to do all sorts of domestic thingies.

  27. Kathy Conley
    | Reply

    I would love to see more aprons in different patterns and designs!

  28. Brenda S.
    | Reply

    I loved the apron and would love to win your first ebook. Thank you.

  29. Pamela White
    | Reply

    I like that the patterns are not too hard for us novices.

  30. Suzanne B. (Crunchy Green Mom)l
    | Reply

    This is an amazing apron. I Love that you are willing to step outside the box and use more hip and trendy colors for your aprons. This helps with those of us mother that aren’t.. traditional.!

    I love this apron and would love to wear it when I’m grilling, who said women can’t grill and look sexy?

  31. Samantha Pruitt
    | Reply

    the free patterns are so awesome! great site!

  32. Teresa Hoyt
    | Reply

    I love the girls pettiskirts! They are so cute and so are your daughter! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. Linda
    | Reply

    Nice! Love the material! Would love to have a chance to win the pattern! I like the fact that ya don’t have to be a professional to do your patterns! love your tutorials – given in a clear manner so that even my ignorant sewing ability can comprehend it 😀
    Thank you!

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