Self Drafted Toddler Leggings

posted in: Babies & Kids, Sewing | 13

Well I have long skinny mini kiddos!  This makes it difficult with a lot of sewing patterns… even the good ones being wide.  Well for a while I have been wanting to make the girls a bunch of basic leggings to layer with skirts, dresses, jumpers & pinafores.   So I dug out one of my favorite Ottobre’s (4/2004) that has both toddler & girls leggings in it, this issue is worth having for all the basics.  Anyways I opened it up to trace it & decided to put a pair of their good fitting leggings next to it to see what I would get!  To my disappointment it wasn’t the leggings pattern I was looking for cause the legs were wide and looser then I was looking for. I wanted nice fitted leggings made with fabrics with lots of stretch! So I decided what the heck & winged it!  I considered tracing & modifying the Ottobre pattern but it needed so much that it wasn’t worth it.  Anyways 30 minutes of drawing, cutting & sewing later I have 2 pairs of great fitting leggings!  Just what I wanted 🙂 though I did this at 11 at night, so I had to wait ’til morning to try them out.  I now plan on making a some flared yoga style leggings as well, cause I think they are just too stinking cute! Well enough of the chatting, time for the action shots!

Baylie Carlie

13 Responses

  1. Kristen
    | Reply

    Can you email me your pattern please? It would be so helpful. I have having the same trouble finding them for my daughter.

  2. Gillianne Roberts
    | Reply

    I am having the same problem finding a pattern for my nieces. Can you email me the pattern as well?

  3. janet strimlan
    | Reply

    would love to have you email me the pattern as well

  4. Cushla Majendie
    | Reply

    Hi there, Can you please e-mail me the pattern, i am trying to make these for my niece

  5. Jane
    | Reply

    This is so great! WOuld you mind emailing the pattern to me? My granddaughter is tall and thin, and the pants I make for her just swallow her. I would SO appreciate your pattern!

    | Reply

    What a cute little girl! And her pants look beautiful on her! You did a really good job.

    Could I ask you to email the pattern to me please?

    With thanks.


  7. holly
    | Reply

    what a wkd pair of strydes can you email me the pattern please with thanks

  8. Amanda
    | Reply

    I have been scouring the internet to find a leggings pattern! Is it available for email? Thanks!!

  9. Jessica
    | Reply

    Could you email me the pattern too please?!

  10. Judy
    | Reply

    Hi, I’ve been looking for a leggings pattern to make my granddaughter a pair to go with a dress I am making. I would love it if you could email the pattern to me.

    Thank you!


    • Kymy
      | Reply

      I’m sorry I don’t have this pattern available to share. Though I would love to, I just haven’t found time to turn these patterns into .pdf’s

  11. Kristy
    | Reply

    I would love the pattern as well, if you don’t mind? Maybe you should just post it here to download. Thanks so much. They look so cute!!


    • Kymy
      | Reply

      Sorry I don’t have the time to draft up a pattern/tutorial to share for this right now. If it was simple I would but with sizing & what not it is much more involved. Sorry!

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