B-day Pettiskirts & Cup Cake Bling!

posted in: Babies & Kids, Sewing, Tutorials | 13

SOOO my babies turned one last month & this week I finally got their pics taken!  I made them cup cake blink tank tops cause they had a cup cake party.  Then I made them white pettiskirts with the half complete tutorial from the martha site (yardage is off AND its for an 18m size ONLY).  Luckily I knew the yardage was off & I wanted the 18m size!  SO I got them finished except I just haven’t had time to put the ruffle fluff on the bottom… but they look good otherwise.

There is an ehow tute which is good for the sizing, but I like the waist on the martha one much better, its feels $$, not so cheap.  Also I don’t like how big the waist piece is for the petti’s for the older girls.  Also you would need to measure long…   the fluff of the skirt does take away some of the actual length.

The supplies I think cost me around $40 for both of them.  If you do want to make them order the Nylon Chiffon online… it will be cheap, but is MUCH softer then the stuff at JoAnns! Nylon & Poly chiffon are NOT the same!!!!!  Poly will fall apart/unravel & simply doesn’t work.

All that being said… join a co-op & buy a pre-made one for $50!!!!  Unless you like gathering & gathering & gathering it will cost you well over that in supplies & time.  I like to

When the girls out grow theirs I will probably save up & buy them bigger ones that will last for most of the ‘petti’ phase.

If you didn’t click on the green links in the post & would like to give them a try, here are the tutorial links again.  They are very doable, especially for a grandma with a little extra time free of children!

Martha Stewart Kaiya Eve Tutorial

Ehow.com Petti Skirt Tutorial






13 Responses

  1. Peta
    | Reply

    Kymmy your girls are beautiful. What date is their bday? My baby girl Bailey turned 1 in May also and your girls look a lot like her.
    Zander’s a cutey too.
    I plan on using some of your tutes to make some dresses fro Bailey for summer (it’s winter here in Oz)

  2. becca
    | Reply

    ohmygosh your girls are tooo adorable! I love the little petticoats…sooo SWEET!!!!

  3. Tanisha
    | Reply

    oh so so cute. now i want another girl. LOL. mine’s getting too big for that stuff.

  4. Danielle
    | Reply

    Hi, very cute pics. What website do you get the Nylon Chiffon from, I have made one pettiskirt, but here in Aussie land, I can’t seem to buy the proper stuff.

  5. Sherry
    | Reply

    Hi, where do you get the nylon chiffon? Your girls are darling! Thanks much.

  6. Shannon
    | Reply

    Pictures are adorable …… you are much better off making these Pettiskirts than buying them especially from Kaiya Eve Couture. Kaiya Eve advertises that their pettiskirts are made in the USA, but they are made in Vietnam which is false advertising and the Kaiya Eve Pettiskirt is NOT the original design. The Kaiya Eve Pettiskirt design is the exact design as Sam’s Manufacturing petticoats. Once again misleading the consumer….


  7. teresajoy
    | Reply

    My daughter Arminda would like to say:

    “Your children are ADORABLE!! or DARLING! as grown ups like to say.”

    I couldn’t agree with her more!

  8. amy
    | Reply

    your girls are so adorable!!!!
    Can you please tell me where do you buy the nylon chiffon?
    I’ll try to make one for my daughter too!



  9. Samantha
    | Reply

    Thanks for the info about the Kaiya Eve skirts. I just found out the Belle Ame skirts are made in China. I don’t have the sewing skills to make one of these myself but I will keep looking for one that is made in the USA! Someone out there must make them to order.

  10. Elayne
    | Reply

    Hello There!

    I am a mom of boy / girl twins and it was my daughter that got me started on making pettiskirts. She is 18 months now and when I put them on her she just loves them. I do make them at my home in CA and sell them at my Etsy store. I get my fabric through a company in New York. As for the B-day Bling, if you look on Kaiya Eve’s spring 09 line, she basically made your skirts without the fluff, so you are way ahead of the times! Congrats and don’t stop sewing!!!

  11. Erica
    | Reply

    I also make pettiskirts. If you have the ability to make them yourself and the time, it is the best way to go. If not, etsy has a lot of great sellers. I order my fabric online from a company out of New Jersey.

    • Lisa
      | Reply

      Where do you get the nylon chiffon. I bought some chiffon from Joann’s and it’s nice, but frays. I think I need to use the nylon chiffon to keep it from fraying.

      • Kymy
        | Reply

        It’s been so long I don’t remember where it came from… but I just googled ‘nylon chiffon’ & found a site. Sorry I can’t be any more help!

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